@ - Private Messages the specified player
- Use (@[playername] [message]
Ban - Bans a player from the server, allowing them to still login from another username
- Use (/ban [playername] [reason]
Banall - Bans all players and their respective IP from the server
- Use (/banall [playername] [reason]
Baninfo - Shows the specified players info on bans/unbans
- Use (/baninfo, /baninfo [playername], /baninfo [IP address]
Banip - Bans a players IP from the server, allowing no players from the IP to enter the server
- Use (/banip [playername] [reason]
Bind - Binds a block with another
- Use (/bind [blockname] [secondblockname])
- Example /bind Stone Water -- When you place Stone blocks, it is changed into Water (ONLY if you have the rank to set water of course)
Bring - Brings a specified player to your position
Bringall - Brings All players (Either by rank, world, or both)
- Use (/bringall, /bringall @[rankname], /bringall @[rankname] [world name]
Cancel - Cancels the current command
Clear - Clears the players chat entirely
Colors - Displays the list of colors for players with the Use of ColorCode Permission
Commands - Displays all the commands
Copy - Copys a selection by playing two blocks
Cubh - Draws a box with a hallowed inside by placing two blocks
Cuboid - Draws a box by placing two blocks
Cubw - Creates a frame of a box by placing two blocks
Cut - Cuts a selection by placing two blocks
Deafen - Stops the flow of messages/ restarts the flow of messages
Ellipsoid - Creates a sphere out by placing two blocks
- Use (/ellipsoid, /sphere)
Ellipsoidh - Creates a hallowed sphere by placing two blocks
- Use (ellipsoidh, /sphereh)
Freeze - Freezes the specified player from moving or placing blocks
- Use (/freeze [playername], /f [playername]
Grass - Changes the use of Dirt to Grass, Vise Versa
Help - Shows a list of options/commands
Hide - Hides the current player from being seen by lower ranks
Ignore - Ignores the specified players messages from being shown
- Use (/ignore [playername])
Info - Shows the specified players info
- Use (/info, /info [playername])
Join - Joins the specified world
- Use (/Join [worldname], /j [worldname])
Kick - Kicks the specified player from the server
Lava - Changes the use of Red blocks to Lava blocks (if player has Lava permission)
Line - Creates a line from point to point set by two blocks
Mark - Marks the players current position (for use in any placement commands)
Me - Shows your name in third person and message to be used in 3rd person
Measure - Measures a selection of blocks according to length, width, height, and amount of blocks
Mirror - Mirrors a copy by the X, Y, and/or Z axis, in any combination
- Use (/mirror x, /mirror y, /mirror z)
- X (Mirrors copy from East to West
- Y (Mirrors copy from North to South)
- Z (Mirrors copy vertically)
Mute - Mutes the specified player for the specified amount of seconds
- Use (/mute [playername] [length])
Paint - Replaces destroyed blocks with currently held block
Paste - Pastes a selection (Used by Copy/Cut)
Pastenot - Pastes a selection without the specified blocks
- Use (/pastenot [blockname])
- Example, a build was copied with obsidian blocks, /pastenot obsidian would not include the blocks used to copy with
Patrol - Teleports you to another player in the same world (via the TAB list)
Players - Displays the current players online
Rank - Ranks the specified player to the specified rank
- Use (/rank [playername] [rankname] [reason])
Rankinfo - Displays the commands the specified rank is able to use
- Use (/rankinfo [rankname], /rinfo [rankname], /rankinfo, /rinfo)
Ranks - Displays the available ranks on the server
Replace - Replaces the specified block with another in a selection by placing two blocks
- Use (/replace [blockname] [blockname])
- Exampe, /replace stone cobblestone, replaces all the stone to cobblestone in the selection made
Replacenot - Replaces all blocks in a selection besides the specified block
- Use /replacenot [blockname] [blockname])
Rotate - Rotates a copy by the specified degrees
- Use (/rotate 90, /rotate 180, /rotate 270)
Rules - Displays the servers set rules
Say - Broadcasts a message without a playername
Sinfo - Displays the server info
Solid - Changes the use of Stone blocks to Bedrock (Admincrete) blocks (if player has Bedrock permission)
Staff - Sends a message to the staff chat
Tp - Teleports the player to the specified player
Unban - Unbans a player from the server
- Use (/unban [playername] [reason])
Unbanall - Unbans all Players and their respective IP from the server
- Use (/unbanall [playername] [reason], /unbanall [IP address] [reason])
Unbanip - Unbans an IP from the server
- Use (/unbanip [IP Address] [reason], /unbanip [playername] [reason])
Undo - Undoes the previous command used
Unfreeze - Unfreezes a specified frozen player
- Use (/unfreeze [playername])
Unhide - Unhides player, allowing them to be seen
Unignore - Uningnores a specified Ignored player, allowing to see their messages
- Use (/unignore [playername])
Unmute - Unmutes a muted player
- Use (/unmute [playername])
Water - Changes the use of Blue blocks to Water blocks (if player has Water permission)
Where - Displays Worldname and current position/direction of specified a specified player)
- Use (/where, /where [playername])
Worlds - Displays all the available worlds
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