Tuesday, August 16, 2011

fCraft Commands (For Patrick Schwarz)

@ - Private Messages the specified player
  • Use (@[playername] [message]
Ban - Bans a player from the server, allowing them to still login from another username
  • Use (/ban [playername] [reason]
Banall - Bans all players and their respective IP from the server
  • Use (/banall [playername] [reason]
Baninfo - Shows the specified players info on bans/unbans
  • Use (/baninfo, /baninfo [playername], /baninfo [IP address]
Banip - Bans a players IP from the server, allowing no players from the IP to enter the server
  • Use (/banip [playername] [reason]
Bind - Binds a block with another
  • Use (/bind [blockname] [secondblockname])
  • Example /bind Stone Water -- When you place Stone blocks, it is changed into Water (ONLY if you have the rank to set water of course)
Bring - Brings a specified player to your position
  • Use (/bring [playername]
Bringall - Brings All players (Either by rank, world, or both)
  • Use (/bringall, /bringall @[rankname], /bringall @[rankname] [world name]
Cancel - Cancels the current command
  • Use (/cancel)
Clear - Clears the players chat entirely
  • Use (/clear)
Colors - Displays the list of colors for players with the Use of ColorCode Permission
  • Use (/colors)
Commands - Displays all the commands
  • Use (/commands)
Copy - Copys a selection by playing two blocks

  • Use (/copy)
Cubh -  Draws a box with a hallowed inside by placing two blocks

  • Use (/cubh, /cuboidh)
Cuboid - Draws a box by placing two blocks

  • Use (/cuboid, /c, /z)
Cubw - Creates a frame of a box by placing two blocks
  • Use (/cubw, /cuboidw)
Cut - Cuts a selection by placing two blocks

  • Use (/cut)
Deafen - Stops the flow of  messages/ restarts the flow of messages
  • Use (/deafen)
Ellipsoid - Creates a sphere out by placing two blocks

  • Use (/ellipsoid, /sphere)
Ellipsoidh - Creates a hallowed sphere by placing two blocks
  • Use (ellipsoidh, /sphereh)
Freeze - Freezes the specified player from moving or placing blocks

  • Use (/freeze [playername], /f [playername]
Grass - Changes the use of Dirt to Grass, Vise Versa

  • Use (/grass)
Help - Shows a list of options/commands

  • Use (/help)
Hide - Hides the current player from being seen by lower ranks

  • Use (/hide)
Ignore - Ignores the specified players messages from being shown

  • Use (/ignore [playername])
Info - Shows the specified players info
  • Use (/info, /info [playername])
Join - Joins the specified world

  • Use (/Join [worldname], /j [worldname])
Kick - Kicks the specified player from the server

  • Use (/kick [playername])
Lava - Changes the use of Red blocks to Lava blocks (if player has Lava permission)

  • Use (/lava)
Line - Creates a line from point to point set by two blocks

  • Use (/line)
Mark - Marks the players current position (for use in any placement commands)

  • Use (/mark)
Me - Shows your name in third person and message to be used in 3rd person
  • Use (/me [message])
Measure - Measures a selection of blocks according to length, width, height, and amount of blocks
  • Use (/measure)
Mirror - Mirrors a copy by the X, Y, and/or Z axis, in any combination
  • Use (/mirror x, /mirror y, /mirror z)
  • X (Mirrors copy from East to West 
  • Y (Mirrors copy from North to South)   
  • Z (Mirrors copy vertically)
Mute - Mutes the specified player for the specified amount of seconds

  • Use (/mute [playername] [length])
Paint - Replaces destroyed blocks with currently held block
  • Use (/paint)
Paste - Pastes a selection (Used by Copy/Cut)

  • Use (/paste)
Pastenot - Pastes a selection without the specified blocks
  • Use (/pastenot [blockname])
  • Example, a build was copied with obsidian blocks, /pastenot obsidian would not include the blocks used to copy with
Patrol - Teleports you to another player in the same world (via the TAB list)

  • Use (/patrol)
Players - Displays the current players online

  • Use (players)
Rank - Ranks the specified player to the specified rank

  • Use (/rank [playername] [rankname] [reason])
Rankinfo - Displays the commands the specified rank is able to use

  • Use (/rankinfo [rankname], /rinfo [rankname], /rankinfo, /rinfo)
Ranks - Displays the available ranks on the server

  • Use (/ranks)
Replace - Replaces the specified block with another in a selection by placing two blocks
  • Use (/replace [blockname] [blockname])
  • Exampe, /replace stone cobblestone, replaces all the stone to cobblestone in the selection made
Replacenot - Replaces all blocks in a selection besides the specified block

  • Use /replacenot [blockname] [blockname])
Rotate - Rotates a copy by the specified degrees

  • Use (/rotate 90, /rotate 180, /rotate 270)
Rules - Displays the servers set rules

  • Use (/rules)
Say - Broadcasts a message without a playername
  • Use (/say [message])
Sinfo - Displays the server info

  • Use (/sinfo)
Solid - Changes the use of Stone blocks to Bedrock (Admincrete) blocks (if player has Bedrock permission)
  • Use (/solid)
Staff - Sends a message to the staff chat
  • Use (/staff [message])
Tp - Teleports the player to the specified player

  • Use (/tp [playername])
Unban - Unbans a player from the server
  • Use (/unban [playername] [reason])
Unbanall - Unbans all Players and their respective IP from the server

  • Use (/unbanall [playername] [reason], /unbanall [IP address] [reason])
Unbanip - Unbans an IP from the server
  • Use (/unbanip [IP Address] [reason], /unbanip [playername] [reason])
Undo - Undoes the previous command used

  • Use (/undo)
Unfreeze - Unfreezes a specified frozen player
  • Use (/unfreeze [playername])
Unhide - Unhides player, allowing them to be seen

  • Use (/unhide)
Unignore - Uningnores a specified Ignored player, allowing to see their messages

  • Use (/unignore [playername])
Unmute - Unmutes a muted player
  • Use (/unmute [playername])
Water - Changes the use of Blue blocks to Water blocks (if player has Water permission)
  • Use (/water)
Where - Displays Worldname and current position/direction of specified a specified player)

  • Use (/where, /where [playername])
Worlds - Displays all the available worlds

  • Use (/worlds)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

For /Rules

Rules for [FREE+PROTECTED] Patrick Schwarz
Mute for: Swearing/Spamming/ALLCAPS/Asking For Promos
Kick for: All Above Terms/Towering
Ban for: Grief/Blockspam/Advertising/Innapro. Builds
and overuse of terms above.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rules for [Free + Protected] and [Premium] Patrick Schwarz

Common Sense
1. Respect other members, no matter what may have happened.
2. Think of possible outcomes of your actions before you act upon them.
3. Do not ask for promotions.

Ban-able offenses.
1. Do not grief.
2. Do not spam blocks.
3. Do not insult staff or use severe derogatory terms (swear).
4. Do not impersonate staff members.
5. Do not advertise by any means (whether it be other servers or third party websites).

Mute-able offenses.
1. Do not insult or use derogatory terms (swear).
2. Do not spam the Chat.
3. Do not write in all CAPS.
4. Do not ask for promotions.

Kick-able offenses.
1. Do not insult or use derogatory terms (swear).
2. Do not tower. (Can result in kick and/or demotion to idiot if guest/member)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Minecraft on Linux -- Tutorials and Troubleshooting

~Table of Contents~

~~~How to install a texture pack
~~~How to install a mod
~~~How to import/export worlds
~~~No Sound
~~~Motions "Sticking"
~~~Black screen after trying to install plugins

How to install a texture pack
  • Download your desired texture pack. Navigate to your home/.minecraft/texturepacks folder, and drop the file into the folder. Open Minecraft, click Mods and Texture packs, and select.
How to install a mod
  • For this tutorial, I will be using the MillĂ©naire mod as an example. Download the mod and unzip it. Fortunately, MillĂ©naire provides instructions on how to install the mod, but in case a mod is download and no instructions are provided, they can be explained here. Make a new folder in .minecraft and name it mods. Drop the millenaire0.x.x.zip (x stand for your version numbers) into the mods folder you created. Navigate back to .minecraft and drag the millinaire folder from the download into .minecraft. If a mod contains a .class file, they will need to be placed into minecraft.jar located in the bin folder.
How to import/export worlds
  • Importing and exporting worlds are very easy, simply go to .minecraft/saves
    and either drop in or copy out the world you are importing/exporting.


No Sound while playing
  • The basic fix for having no sound during gameplay is closing any other JAVA applications (any other games that run JAVA)
 Motions "Sticking"
  • If your building and your moving at the same time, sometimes the movement continues even though you are not holding that key anymore. The problem lies within the LWJGL (Lightweight Java Game Library) and can be easily fixed. Download the latest LWJGL from their website here and extract the download files. Navigate to the bin folder of your .minecraft folder, the jar folder of the LWJGL. Replace ONLY the jinput.rar, lwjgl.rar, and lwjgl_util.rar. Now navigate to the natives to of bin folder and native/linux/ of the LWJGL. Copy all the files from the download and put them into the .minecraft/bin/natives. 
 Black screen after trying to install plugins
  • Did you delete the META-INF folder inside minecraft.jar?
  • Any other reason Minecraft would not load after installing a mod is because the mod is incompatible with another,  the mod was installed incorrectly, or the mod is obsolete to your Minecraft version.

Friday, July 15, 2011

How to get WoM for Patrick Schwarz Minecraft

If you have noticed people flying in the air or going super fast in the server, its because they are using something called World of Minecraft (WoM). Now, the server does have rules on WoM, which are you are not allowed to use the hacks provided if you are Guest ranked, but with this tutorial, this will guide you through on being one of the many to use it.

Step 1:
Become a member on the server.
(To do this, build on the server and register here)

Step 2:
Register on the WoM page, and download WoM.
(Can be found here and here)

Step 3:
Unzip the WoM download, and open the program.

Step 4:
Enter your MineCraft login information on WoM, press Sign In, locate  [Free+Protected] Patrick Schwarz], click on the server, and click go, and you can now can now use WoM with the others.

(Controls are added at the end of this post)

Additional Linux Steps:

Step 5:
If you are witnessing the Menu pop up every time you click, close the program, and download a Hex Editor.

Step 6:
With the Hex Editor, open l.class located in wom_linux/lib/minecraft/com/mojang/minecraft/

Step 7:
Locate the string 19 04 b4 00 fc b6 02 1e  and replace it with 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.

Step 8:
Save, and the problem should be fixed.

Z - Toggles Fly
Q and E - Up and Down when Fly is on
Shift - 5x Speed
Control - 2x Speed

Thursday, June 23, 2011

MineDraft - The Online Building Planner

Sometimes, when it comes to making buildings, it gets tedious having to know how many items it will take to complete, or how the structure will look. Well, MineDraft is an easy way to solve that problem. Basically, you choose which block you are using for your structure, and just click the space on the grid to place that block on the graph. Once you are done, you can click the piece of paper on the bottom of the toolbar to bring up a materials list to show you how many blocks are needed. Sadly, it is like drawing on a piece of paper so you have to have multiple sketches to have every side of a structure, but it is much easier and cleaner to use than real blueprints.

Preview of MineDraft